“Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8 NLT
Disciple Making – 3 Things that Some Christians Do Other Christians and Non-Christians Despise
- Judging Others
Christians judge other people. I doubt this is what Jesus had in mind when he gave his life in love for the world.
Disclosure: Without the mercy and intervention of Christ, I am very judgmental. And years ago, I realized how bad judgment and criticism can be to others.
Think about it through the lens of your marriage, a friend, or even someone you work with: it is virtually impossible to love someone and judge them at the same time. It is no-ones place to judge anyway.
* Being Hypocritical
There’s a word for Christians who say one thing and do something else. The word is hypocrite. You cannot stand with one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom and expect others not to notice.
Sanctification is a process that never ends. I am not who I want to be, yet and I am not who God wants me to be either. But I’m different. I’m changing. Christ is at work in me.
Want a quick fix for hypocrisy? Accelerate your walk. Humble your talk. Nothing closes the gap between word and action faster than that.
* Stinking at Friendship
Relatively few Christians actively pursue real friendships with people who don’t share their faith.
People who observe Christians in life and at work notice traces of judgment and hypocrisy. They cannot help but to draw all kinds of possibly wrong conclusions.
Jesus pursued friendships with people who were different from him. Yet Jesus was their friend. He went to their house for dinner. They traveled together. They shared moments and meals and life. He asked for a drink of water.
When was the last time you had someone who’s not your skin color, not your political persuasion, and doesn’t share your value system over for dinner? When was the last time you broke bread with an addict (who’s not in recovery)?
People aren’t projects; people are people. If you see them as a project and not a person, they can tell it a mile away.
So, how do you talk about it? Naturally, organically, and in the context of your own story is a great place to start.
Need authentic insight on the above? Google Carey Nieuwhof, he is a best selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter.
When is Bible Thumping ok?
Jesus “thumped Scriptures” at Satan in the wilderness, the dark hearted Pharisees and other religious teachers of the day. They were aware of the Scriptures but did not obey them. In fact, they willfully distorted them.*
When is Bible Thumping NOT ok?
Sorry, it is not ok. Share the truth in love and do not offend your brother or sister. Thumping impedes the mysterious flow of the Holy Spirit at work in the other person. Unfortunately, the thumper himself may be prideful in his own assessment. Holding the Bible and Scripture over the heads of others may only serve to make them feel judged and make thumper seem as a Pharisee.